Dawn Marie, Torrie Wilson, Tammy
Jackie Haas & many more join WWFu
The Vivacious Vixen, Dawn Marie, Wrestling Centerfold, Torrie Wilson, Wrestlings
Original Diva, Tammy 'Sunny' Sytch and Tough Enough winner, Jackie Haas have agreed
to join the growing list of wrestling divas and entertainment personalities to be
featured on WWFu.net as "WWFu Underground Babes" when it relaunches.

Dawn Marie is a former WWE Diva & ECW Original, she is currently
spearheading the movement to provide professional wrestlers, both past and present, with health-care support via the
WrestlersRescue organization.

Torrie Wilson is a former WWE Diva, Torrie got her start in wrestling
in WCW back in 1999. While in WWE, Torrie Wilson appeared as a celebrity centerfold covergirl in Playboy magazine twice.
She was also featured on NBC's "I'm a Celebrity... Get me out of here!", where she won second place. Torrie also opened
a clothing line called "Officially Jaded" with a successful store located in The Woodlands, Texas.

Tammy "Sunny" Sytch is a former WWE Diva
who achieved arguably her greatest success as Sunny for the WWE during the 1990s and is widely considered as one
of the first WWE Divas. She also performed under her own name in ECW, WCW and ROH. In 1996, Tammy became America
Online's most downloaded woman thanks to her pictorials that were offered exclusively from AOL, subsequently beating Cindy
Margolis for the title.
Jackie Gayda-Haas is a former WWE Diva and TNA Knockout, she was awarded
a WWE contract after winning WWE Tough Enough on MTV in 2002. Jackie is current married to WWE Superstar Charlie
Haas and has two daughters, Kayla and Taylor. Charlie & Jackie opened "Custom Muscle", a nutritional store in Frisco,
Texas. Jackie was also crowned the WWFu Babe of the Year for 2008 earlier this year.
Information on WWFu can be found at wwfuwrestling.com.
For additional information on the WWFu Underground Babes, go to wwfu.net, myspace.com/wwfubabes.
Information on Dawn Marie can
be found at dawnmarieonline.com and wrestlersrescue.org
Information on Torrie Wilson can be
found on myspace.com/torries_space and officiallyjaded.com.
Information on Tammy "Sunny" Sytch
can be found at tammysytchonline.com.
Information on Jackie Haas can be found
at justjackiehaas.com and custom-muscle.com

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